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Food for the Common Good is a philosophy and approach towards food production and distribution that aims to promote collective well-being and sustainability at the social, economic, and environmental levels. This perspective goes beyond merely satisfying individual food needs and focuses on the benefit of the entire community and the planet.

In this context, agricultural practices and food production systems that are fair, ethical, and environmentally respectful are sought. This implies considering the social impact of production, such as treating agricultural workers with dignity, as well as preserving natural elements and biodiversity.

Some key principles associated with Food for the Common Good include:

  • Sustainability: Promoting agricultural practices that conserve and protect natural elements, minimizing the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers, and favoring agroecological methods.

  • Food sovereignty: Empowering local communities to have control over their food production and consumption, prioritizing local production and distribution.

  • Equity and social justice: Advocating for food systems that promote equal access to healthy and nutritious food for all people, eliminating inequalities in food access.

  • Transparency and traceability: Advocating for a transparent food chain, where consumers can know the origin and production process of the food they consume.

Food for the Common Good encourages a stronger connection between producers and consumers, promoting a more direct and conscious relationship with the food consumed. It also highlights the importance of supporting local farmers, which in turn contributes to strengthening local economies.

To achieve this, in MUSAA, we work to:

  • Contribute to eradicating violence and injustices in the lives of women, to achieve the food sovereignty they are entitled to, for themselves, their families, and their immediate community.

  • To serve as means to amplify the voices of women on issues related to nutrition, land conservation, territory regeneration, environmental and food security. We prioritize actions related to seed preservation, regenerative agriculture, agroecology, traditional gastronomy, or new ecogastronomic practices, moving away from diets based on low-nutritional value ultra-processed foods. We promote local diets, with products, crops, fruits, and legumes that are seasonal and have nutritional, biological, and ecosystemic value.

  • Seek alliances with women's collectives both in rural and urban areas to drive legislation where women play a leading role in decision-making.

  • Establish alliances and take action to amplify the voices of women in defense of the body-territory and our right to sufficient, varied, and nutritious food.

  • Envision the role of women in climate emergency mitigation and adaptation actions, through community-scale eco-regenerative and renewable projects that are inclusive.

Food for the Common Good 

¡En MUSAA Berlín  hay noticias!

Nuestras compañeras de la comunidad latina en Berlín, consiguieron fondos para llevar a cabo un proyecto barrial.

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